What is your groove? And what happens when you let that feeling out? French-Malagasy choreographer Soa Ratsifandrihana opens What You See with the dance solo g r oo v e. She draws on her childhood memories, in which she and her family boldly indulged in the sounds of their favorite songs. This sense of freedom flows throughout the whole performance. In dialogue with the electronic music of Sylvain Darrifourcq and hip-hop composer Alben Murenzi, Soa searches for the soul of her inner rhythm. Through intimate self-embrace, she builds up the tension and invites you to discover your own rhythm.
After this empowering performance, gentle warrior Shishani, together with their pianist and a string quartet, shares songs from their new album Whispers. Through a graceful mix of depth and closeness, Shishani takes you on their personal journey inwards in learning how to listen to your inner voice. Listen here. to their song Peaceful Now.