At any moment during What You See, on any location, you can be caught by surprise by new works of twelf HKU Theatre Design students. Each of them set to work based on the theme Fluidity Forever. And each one of them incorporated their own vision on the theme into a visual/performative work. And you'll encounter these gems during the festival! Open yourself up to various insights and sensory experiences and discover the exciting nooks and crannies of our venues.
The works can be found in EKKO, Theater Kikker and Stadsschouwburg Utrecht.
It's Crazy | Pjoot
How do you fit into your mold? Are you also done with all the demands that are made on you? That you make on yourself? Expectations, wishes, judgments? Shall we exchange them? I don't need mine anymore. Just one? That can't hurt, can it?
How it goes | Hilde Jobben
You are sitting in the waiting room of the GP. In the children's corner your eye falls on the bead spiral table. It looks like a colourful dynamic mini roller coaster full of possibilities. You play with it and quickly discover to your disappointment that you can do much less than you would like. You can go left...or right.
'RESIDUE' | Femke van Emmerik
'RESIDU' is a transformative image that plays with the idea of how you as a human being transform, change and are affected by elements around you and how you always retain a core of your own identity in that change.
Surrender | Sam Wissink
Bodies in conversation. Body next to body. A touch is what you share with each other, and what you leave behind.
I'm not going anywhere | Myrdin de Leeuw
mud, smear, bind, deep
it is finally my reflection.
Ask outside the box | Noortje Harbers You know, what if we didn't put each other in a box every time. What if we first saw the person in front of us as a person, without looking at clothing or gender. Do you see me as a person too? Even through the box?
Pirouette | Rosa Snoeck
The microwave spins and spins and spins and spins, spins, spins, spins, spins and spins.
Sticky Shapeshifter | Reina Kuijt
In Sticky Shapeshifter, Reina explores the boundaries of fluidity. With her work, she shows the beauty of transformation and invites the visitor to playfully embrace a new perspective.
The Compost Heap | Sophie van Tilborg “How do you connect? What do you want, and what does the other want? In the confusion of contact lies something beautiful; a game of discovery and connection.” With her work, Sophie explores the fluidity of intimacy. She invites visitors to explore boundaries together, connect, and create something new, finding joy in the unknown. Based on personal experiences of loss and rediscovery, the work shows that every encounter can be fruitful, even in its elusiveness.
Experience Hetero | It's Not All Black and White | Nikki Wagner
Let us not judge each other, but be open to different opinions and beliefs, and respect them despite our differences. In this way we create a community where everyone feels heard and accepted, without the pressure to always agree.