For the third time in a row What You See cooperates with students from the HKU. Nine students of Theatre Design, Graphic Design and Fashion Design explored the festival theme (un)Touchable Bodies and show no less than nine individual works during What You See. From personal fascinations, questions and anecdotes, they created a range of installations, performances and visual work with subjects varying from male-female relationships, self-reflection and intimacy, to fear, abuse and shame. With their work, the students challenge existing norms, break taboos and expose unconscious thought patterns and behavior. Keep your ears and eyes open, because at any moment you may come across such an activist gem.
18 – 21 Nov | ongoing, during opening times
Would you like to live in my Tuscan village? | Pascalle van Gurp (installation)
A representation of the duality of intimacy. When is access to your body taken and when do you release it? Monster vaginas vs Tuscan villages.
Sat 20 Nov | ongoing, 15:00 – 18:00
IEK | Vita de Pater (installation)
Studio 1
The moment feeling is expressed it loses its value. IEK is an investigation into the experience of fear, both the burden and the power.
The weight of shame | Gabrielle Swart (performance)
A brand in your memory, a convulsion in your body, a weight on your shoulders. An interactive performance about the search for connection in a world full of judgments and assumptions.
The dearest thing I want to be | Madelief Kok (installation)
Studio 2
I confront myself with the hard truth. Because losing yourself in this world can be done so silently that you don’t even realise it.
Sun 21 Nov | ongoing, 19:00 – 22:00
I am, you are, we look | Tina Helm (performance)
Whether you call it nature or nurture is up to you, but the fact remains that we, humans, see and judge. This performance questions the looks you receive as a young woman.
A Piece of Inclusion | Jasmijn Piek (installation)
Here you buy clothes with labels you would rather not be associated with. In doing so, you represent the people who are missed in our community. An attempt by the creator to achieve the diversity and inclusiveness that we in the community so long for.
This is not for you | Floren Bloch (installation)
18 - 21 nov
A handicraft collection for the men I have nothing to do with. A public installation about the sexualisation of female-female relations. A reflection on how negative comments and interactions from the public space can seep into one’s private life and influence the experience of one’s orientation and identity.
I want you to be | Sofie Smits (installation)
18 - 21 nov
I want you to be, you to think, you to be more aware.
Come a little closer | Ilse van Broekhoven (performance)
Predikherenstraat 32, 19 – 21 Nov, ongoing between 14:00 and 17:00 tbc
A combination of visual work and performance that welcomes you into the world of intimacy and togetherness.